At Benchmark..
We consider our gear as tools. Much like a builder, we need the best tools available to do the best job.We believe it is ultimately the skills of the engineer that achieves results. We have taken a no compromise approach to our equipment and its installation. Benchmark Mastering is a facility built by Mastering engineers for the music industry.
Our in house gear includes:
Neumann SP-79 Mastering Console
Ampex ATR-100 1/2 Inch Recorder with Class A Aria pre-amps
Studer A810 1/4 Inch Recorder
Dolby SR/A
Prism AD/DA
George Massenburg (GML) 2030 Mastering Compressor & 9500 Mastering EQ
TC M6000
Manly Vari-Mu Compressor
Manly Massive Passive EQ
TubeTech Multiband Compressor
Waves L2
Pass Labs Amplifiers
Duntech Sovereigns
Orpheus Minotaurs
Protools HD
Sequoia Workstations
Dangerous Monitor Controller.
And More...